Dont Walk Past
 IP Australia Trademark Registration No. 1711126
USA Patent and Trademark Office Registration No. 5,558,094
WIPO International Trademark Registration No. 1398162


Don’t Walk Past ® is a program designed to embed a positive safety culture in an organisation and to help instil safety as a way of working and as a way of life in managers, supervisors, employees and contractors.

Don’t Walk Past ® is a simple Safety Leadership philosophy developed to help drive organisational change and improvement in WHSE performance and is a key element of any sustainable behaviours program for an organisation wishing to reset or establish a safe production culture.

Target Groups

  • Front Line Supervisors
  • Middle Management

It can also be provided to the general workforce and or senior management to help with a cultural shift.

Course Outline

  • Introduction and familiarisation with the Sustainable Behaviours Framework as a cultural change program designed to embed a strong safety culture in an organisation;
  • Introduction to the Don’t Walk Past ® safety leadership philosophy and its application;
  • Working sessions, demonstration and practical application of the Don’t Walk Past ® – Safety Leadership Card; and
  • Explanation of the required standards for a safe workplace and how visible leadership helps maintain those standards.

Course Duration

3 Hours, including delivery and practical application and assessment.

Course Delivery

The course is designed to be run in-house and tailored to align with your organisations leadership framework, rules and WHSE requirements.

Note: Class numbers are a maximum of 16 persons, Minimum of 10. Costs can be either on a per person basis, days rate or program in order to suite different organisational requirements.

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