Recent Projects

MSMS Support Plans


Review new WHS related Mine Safety legislative requirements and develop DRAFT Corporate Management Plans for Critical Risk,  Health, Emergency and Environment Management.

Mine Safety Management System


Develop MSMS Manual aligned to company WHS Management System framework that meets the requirements of the WHS Standards and new WHS (Mines) Regulations - specifically the requirements of Mine Safety Management System and supporting COP.

WHS (Mines) Regulations Review


Review in detail new WHS (Mines) Regulations (WA) and Mine Safety Management System (MSMS) Code of Practice and mapping documentation to current WHS Management System.

WHS Management Resourcing


Provide support resourcing for Senior Manager coving WHS, review existing plans and documentation and develop a draft WHS Implementation Plan for WHS Management Sysem

Team Based Risk Assessment Facilitation


Plan, Schedule, Facilitate and document a TBRA for a high level project feasibility study, identifying high level risk events and current key issues that need immediate attention to prevent impacting success of the project.

WHS Management System Documentation


Review and update WHS Management System procedures and provide overview on how application of the WHS Management System for end users.

Whole of business Integrated Management System Framework


Facilitate working session and development of an Integrated Management System Framework that covers all areas of the business and meets relevant ISO requirements for future certification.

Project Management Plan Review


Assist with review and submission, including high level TBRA and regulator meetings, for a Project Management Plan introduction of Semi-autonomous Haul Trucks.

Team Bsed Risk Assessment Review


Plan, Schedule and Facilitate a TBRA for decision on location of a new processing plant, comparing location options and key risk events related to the decision.

WHSE Management System Review


Undertake a review of all WHSE related policies, standards and key documentation to ensure alignment and consistency with company strategy and culture direction.

Solar Project Support



Provide on the ground WHSE Supervisory / Consulting resource in the construction team for delivery of a 200MW solar farm. Resource to oversee site WHSE requirements, subcontractors and interface with EPCM Contractor to ensure safe systems of work are developed, communicated and complied with.

Contractor Safety Management


Local Government

Develop the Contractor Safety Management process, supporting documentation and training materials. Review and update project management templates and guidelines.

Contractor Management Gap Analysis

Local Government

Undertake a gap analysis of the current contractor management process and application in the organisation. Identify opportunities for improvement and documentation requirements, including tools and training to better manage contractor related risks.

COVID 19 Response


Development of a COVID 19 Response Plan to be implemented to minimise the potential exposure of personnel to COVID 19 and provide business continuity capability for operations and corporate.

Project TBRA Workshop

Local Government

Prepare and facilitate a high level project risk assessment and review workshop for a $15m urban redevelopment project focusing on project management, governance, contract and contractor management.

Solar Farm Project Support


Provide on the ground WHSE Supervisory resources to support the construction of a 120MW solar farm. Resource to oversee site WHSE requirements, subcontractors and interface with EPCM Contractor.

Critical Risk Documentation Program


Development of Critical Risk Procedures, Critical Control Inspections and Audit Criteria. Procedures included Confined Spaces, Working at Height, Mobile Plant and Equipment, Hazardous Energies.

IQMS Management System Model


Develop a Integrated Quality Management System model that suits multiple industry types, including mining, construction, rail operations, Oil and Gas exploration and aligns with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and industry regulatory requirements.

Safety Performance Benchmarking


Conduct a review of the safety performance of ASX100 industry types & ASX200 resources companies and compare to a Tier 1 resources company's performance.

Project Tender WHS Review Assessment

Local Government

Review WHS related information provided by companies as part of a Tender submission process for a $15m civil construction project. Provide a summary report of the review comparing each tenderer against WHS and tender evaluation scoring criteria.

Risk Management Framework Development

NFP / Aged Care / Resources

Development of Risk Management Framework based upon ISO31000 covering Enterprise, Business Operations, Business Sustainability and Business Resilience. The framework differentiated between enterprise, operational and project risk management requirements, criteria and dovetailed into the corporate governance framework.

Project Contractor Safety Management Plan Audits

Local Government

Conduct a series of Safety Management Plan compliance audits of the major project contractor during the construction program. Provide the Steering Committee with summary reports of key areas of concern, compliance with SMP and risk controls as well as opportunities for improvement as part of Project Governance and Assurance.

Solar Installation WHS Management

Renewable Energy

Development of WHSE management framework and plan and SWMS in line with Electrical and Safety regulations. Working at Height solutions, rescue plan and other key processes.

ISO Recertification Gap Audit and Analysis


ISO14001, ISO9001, OSHA18001 gap audit, report and roadmap for re-certification. Tha audit identified numerous opportunities for improvement for closure prior to undertaking their recertification audits to maintain their ISO Accreditation.

Tender Submission Safety Assessment

Local & State Government

Review Safety Management Plans submitted as part of a major civil construction project tender and provide a summary report of the review comparing each tenderer against WHS and tender evaluation scoring criteria.

Rail Safety Systems Review and Alignment


Review rail construction engineering documentation and ensure alignment to rail safety system and risk requirements as well as Safety and Health, Quality, Environment, Community and Construction Risk and Crisis and Emergency Management Plans.

Project Risk Assessment Workshop

Local Government

Prepare and facilitate a high level project risk assessment workshop for a $10m urban project. Risk assessment focused on project and contract management as well as contractor management and project works. A project risk register and dashboard were developed for reporting to the Steering Committee.

Rail Safety Management System Model


Assist with the development of a Rail Safety Management System Model that incorporates asset lifecycle requirements and aligns with the National Rail Safety regulatory requirements.

Organisational Risk Management Review

Resources / NFP

Undertake an high level review of the enterprise / operational Risk management processes, behaviours and application or risk controls. Provide a summary report and presentation, highlighting the key risks currently faced and identify the operational issues and barriers to success. Provide a roadmap of key activities required to move forward to establish a risk based culture and supporting risk management system and framework.

Project Management Plan Development Process


Conduct a review of the site Project Management Plan’s (PMP) and develop the process and tools for preparing PMP submissions for Regulatory approval. Undertake on-site audit for PMP compliance with PMP requirements and identify gaps. Develop a guideline for corporate and on-site personnel on how to engage with the Regulator.

Crisis and Emergency Management Framework

NFP / Resources / Construction

Develop a of Crisis and Emergency Management system framework, procedures, plans, templates and training materials for directors, executive and senior management.

WHS Maturity Assessment Baseline

NFP / Aged Care / Local Government

Undertake an organisational audit and assessment to assist establish a baseline against the WorkSafe Plan and Roadmap for the Future in order to obtain WorkSafe Plan accreditation (Gold and Platinum) and improve the WHS Management System and Culture.

Regulatory Approval Process Review


Identify the regulatory Approvals for mining operations within the regulatory framework in Western Australia and develop a process map and detailed table capturing Approvals requirements regulatory approval timelines.

Hazardous Area Review and Training Development


Undertake a process plant Hazardous Area review and identify  appropriate risk controls for operational and maintenance activities; including a gap analysis with regard to current controls and industry practice and develop awareness and training materials.

Site Project Management Plan Submission


Undertake a gap analysis of existing Project Management Plan (PMP) against the regulatory reporting requirements. Review the current status of reported statutory positions and update the PMP and relevant supporting documentation for regulatory submission.

WHS Management System Development

Resources / Local Government / Aged Care

Develop a Workplace Health and Safety Management System framework, model and supporting documentation in line with AS4801 / ISO45001.

WorkSafe Plan WHS Management System

Horse Racing / Manufacturing

Develop a Workplace Health and Safety Management System framework and model in line with the WorkSafe Plan Elements and also align with AS4801. Develop the supporting policies, plans, procedures and templates for implementation.

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