2TSustainAbility accepted onto WALGA Panel
31.07.2019 2T-NAI-2019-001
2TSustainAbility’s Tender submission to added to the Western Australia Local Government Association (WALGA) Panel for preferred suppliers for Operational and Audit Services and Risk and Advisory Services was successful.
Being a preferred supplier for WALGA enables Local Government (Councils) to request quotations for services directly to those on the various Panels directly and without going through Tender.
2TSustainAbility can assist Local Government in the following areas:
- Non-Financial Risk Management and Advisory Services, including Enterprise, Operational and Project Risk and Workplace Health and Safety (WHS);
- Capital Project Health Check (Project Management, Delivery and Success)
- Compliance Audit Services (including WHS and ISO 9001,14001,45000)
- Operational Audit and Management System Review services;
- Business System Software (Incident Reporting and Analysis) and Incident Investigation;
- Injury Prevention Solutions and Training
For additional information on 2TSustainAbility please visit the Website www.2tsustainability.com.au
For enquires about how 2TSustainAbility can provide services and add value to your organisation please contact us via [email protected]