2TSustainAbility Sponsors The Wild Men From Borneo
01.11.2017 2T-NAI-2017-008
In January, 2018 the Wild Men From Borneo (WMFB) a well-known group who have been playing sixes cricket competitions around Asia for over a decade, having fun, supporting men’s health and wellbeing as well as being actively involved in supporting local economies through the volumes of beer consumed during competition events.
The WMFB (www.thewildmenfromborneo.com) have successfully organised 16 international cricket tours since 2004 with over 70 members globally, including; USA, UK, India, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia.
As most of the members are now retired from cricket and as such the traditional cricket tour will become a golf tour. The first golf tour will be in Thailand taking in Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Bangkok between Jan 25th and Feb 5th, 2018.
The WMFB’s long standing tradition is to encourage others to join the tours, another is our obtaining sponsors to assist with supplying specially designed tour team shirts.
Initially the WMFB was formed to play cricket in international sixes competitions, however it has become, for many, a tonic for those needing a mental break and some “down time” from the rest of the world.
The tours enable members to have some time to recalibrate their wellbeing, which for most males is not always easy to achieve.
The WMFB tours have become a great mental health boost, providing an environment to do just that, surrounded by their mates and quite a lot of Jungle Juice (itself a magic tonic).
2TSustainAbility has become a major sponsor for the WMFB for 2018 and their specially designed shirts that promote their sponsors.