By - markstirling

2TSustainAbility Strategic Planning Workshop – Thailand

06.03.2018                                      2T-NAI-2018-002

2TSustainAbility Partners met in Bangkok, Thailand in February to firstly, attend the Launch Event for 2TSustainAbility in Asia and secondly to focus on development of a Group Strategic Plan.

Whilst there the 2TSustainAbility Partners participated in the Wild Men From Borneo’s Golf Tour as 2TSustainAbility was one of the major sponsors of the tour. The Tour helped promote men’s health and mental wellbeing.

The strategic planning session was held over 2 days and delivered what the Partners wanted. 2TSustainAbility now has a defined Roadmap for the next few years to focus on building and expanding the organisation.

The Partners defined a set of values for the organisation and clarified what they saw as acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. 2TSustainAbility realise that some of the behaviours deemed as unacceptable behaviours may preclude it from some potential contract work or projects; however, the Partners unanimously agreed that protecting the company reputation and its ethical approach to business was of greatest importance.

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