2TSustainAbility Supports Chinatown Revitalisation Project Stage 2
DATE: 08.09.2020 ISSUE: 2T-NAI-2020-006
2TSustainAbility was successful in winning the tender to provide WHS and Risk Management support for the $15m Chinatown Revitalisation Project Stage 2 with the Shire of Broome.
2TSustainAbility will assess and evaluate the project WHS Management Plans provided by Tenderer's as part of the Tender Assessment process.
2TSustainAbility will also facilitate a team-based risk assessment (TBRA) to identify and assess high level project risks and monitor the project risk register and action implementation.
During the project Construction phase, 2TSustainAbility will undertake on-site WHS and risk compliance audits of the successful Tenderer's Project WHS Management Plan as part of the Steering Committees governance and oversight requirements for the project.
2TSustainAbility has extensive experience in providing WHS and non-financial risk management support and services. For additional information on 2TSustainAbility please visit the Website.
For enquires about how 2TSustainAbility can provide services and add value to your organisation please contact any of the 2TSustainAbility Team below.