eniQ release Electrolyte Product for Industry
DATE: 20.04.2020 ISSUE: 2T-NAI-2020-004
IQ Wellness is a local Western Australia company who have developed and manufacture the electrolyte product – eniQ, which is a healthier choice for employers who provide workers with electrolyte replacement products.
The product was developed by professional athletes with the aim to create the purest and most potent sports and wellness products for athletes and active people of all lifestyles and demographics.
They have responded to feedback from the resources industry and have released an industry focused product that has the vitamin B element removed.
The vitamin B element causes urine to appear a brighter colour and as such can provide a false sense of hydration for workers where urine colour charts are often used to assist workers determine if they are suitably hydrated.
The WA home grown product is perfect for those working in any environments that are hot and or where personnel undertake physical activity. The electrolyte product comes in single serve satchels and is a healthier alternative to the current sucrose based products on the market.
The eniQ electrolyte product uses complex sugars, maltodextrin for an immediate boost of energy and Isomaltulose which provides a longer sustained energy. The balanced formula contains a balanced sodium content designed to encourage fluid intake.
Support an excellent local business and provide the healthier choice of electrolyte based products for your personnel.
If you would like further information on the product, please contact 2TSustainAbility by the email link below or call 0400 967 698.